Member resources
Documentation and information for our members:
- Forum - we have a forum to discuss projects, tools, materials etc, and provide member announcements. All members are encouraged to join.
- Our constitution outlines our aims, ideals, and responsibilities
Health & Safety
- Our health and safety manual must be read and agreed to by all members attending workshop sessions
- Risk assessment for working @ The Centre UK must also be read
- Health & Safety statement summarises the above rules and must be signed by members wanting to use the workshop @ The Centre UK
- Competent person register - details of our workshop staff
- You can pay your membership fee in person in cash, or online via bank transfer:
- Bank: HSBC
- Sort code: 40-25-31
- Account no: 92532999
- Account name: Bury St Edmunds Men's Shed)
- Please include your name as a reference